Marianne Huchard
Professeur en informatique /
Full Professor in computer science
Université de Montpellier
Faculté Des Sciences
Directrice du LIRMM
/ Director of LIRMM
Membre suppléante commission ressources humaines du département scientifique MIPS / Alternate Member of the human resource committee scientific departement MIPS
LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier, CNRS
Département : Informatique
Equipe : MAREL: Models And Reuse Engineering, Languages
Bâtiment : Bâtiment 4, Étage 1
Bureau : E3.16
Email :

Recent Talks and Papers by Marianne Huchard
Journal. Alexandre Bazin, Thomas Georges, Marianne Huchard, Pierre Martin, Chouki Tibermacine. Exploring the 3-dimensional variability of websites’ user-stories using triadic concept analysis, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Volume 173, 2024, 109248, ISSN 0888-613X, Link open access
Journal. Marianne Huchard, Pierre Martin, Emile Muller, Pascal Poncelet, Vincent Raveneau, Arnaud Sallaberry. RCAviz: Exploratory search in multi-relational datasets represented using relational concept analysis. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Volume 166, 2024, Open Access paper.109123, ISSN 0888-613X, Link open access, hal-04
Keynote. Marianne Huchard. Chronicles of Concept lattices: Unveiling Structure in the Software World. 27TH ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2023). August 28 – September 1, 2023, Tokyo, Japan.
Seminars. Marianne Huchard. Towards a catalog of design patterns for knowledge discovery with relational concept analysis. November 16, 2022 at UQAM (LATECE) and Wednesday, December 14, 2022, at University of Concordia (CSSE). <hal-03860899>
Keynote. Marianne Huchard. Wake the Concept Lattice in You! 19th IPMU 2022/ Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems / July 11-15, 2022 – Milan, Italy
Visualization and Exploration of Conceptual Structures
Project Founded by #DigitAg
Being able to explore knowledge is crucial for the development of innovative agronomic methods respectful of environment. RCAviz is an online visualization platform designed for knowledge exploration in interconnected classifications built with Relational Concept Analysis.
By E. Muller, A. Sallabery, P. Poncelet, P. Martin and M. Huchard
LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier, CNRS
FCA4J is a Java toolkit for Formal Concept Analysis:
– Conceptual structures (Concept Lattice, Iceberg, AOC-poset)
– Relational Concept Analysis
– Duquenne-Guigues Basis of Implications
– Utilities (clarification, reduction, data conversion, …)
By Alain Gutierrez
Web Iris
LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier, CNRS
Take care of your eyes! Adjust Web pages to your sight
Little contrast, flashy colors everywhere, too small texts… Web Iris is a browser extension that allows you to adjust the appearance of the website according to your needs and preferences while preserving as much as possible its original appearance!
By Yoann Bonavero, Austin Waffo, Marianne Huchard, Michel Meynard, Éric Bourreau
Exposé Priscilla Keip
Comment permettre à des utilisateurs variés d’explorer une base de connaissances intuitivement ?/Quelles conditions de température et d’irradiance affectent l’accumulation de polyphénols dans le raisin ? par Priscilla Keip et Girault Gnanguenon – 10.03.2021
Cycle T-tAg
Visit of Austin Waffo-Kouhoué
Yaoundé University
April-July 2019
Austin Waffo Kouhoué, Yoann Bonavero, Thomas Bouétou Bouétou, Marianne Huchard:
Exploring Variability of Visual Accessibility Options in Operating Systems. Future Internet 13(9): 230 (2021)
Prix IESF-OM /CODIGE remis à Bérénice Lemoine
3 octobre 2022
Dans la catégorie « Recherche fondamentale ou finalisée »,
La 1ère place est attribuée à Bérénice Lemoine du Master Informatique parcours AIGLE (Architecture et Ingénierie du logiciel et du web) de la Fac des Sciences de Montpellier pour son rapport : «Localisation de caractéristiques dans le cadre des lignes de produits logiciels» stage effectué au LIRMM.